Face self-massage
An affordable and effective way to improve the appearance of the face without expensive procedures and complex equipment.
study at a convenient time and from anywhere in the world!
access to the course for 12 months
35 €
9.99 €
effective techniques
self-massage to relax and rejuvenate the face
detailed methods:
— how the lymphatic system works
— the basics of facial muscle anatomy
video lessons
in Ukrainian and English
self-massage programs:
— with a gouache scraper
— with hands
— a combination of face yoga and buccal massage
[what is included in the course ]
Lifting effect:
— Massage techniques are aimed at tightening the skin and increasing its elasticity.
— Help maintain a clear face oval and prevent skin sagging.
Relaxation of facial muscles:
— Relieve tension from the chewing muscles, forehead and the area around the eyes.
— They help to relax the face, making it more "open" and expressive.
Clear contour of the face:
Working with the muscles and lymphatic system eliminates fluid stagnation, helping to define facial lines more clearly.
A radiant and healthy face:
Improved blood circulation makes the skin more radiant, even and healthy.
Reduction of puffiness and dark circles under the eyes:
Improvement of microcirculation and outflow of excess fluid contributes to a fresher appearance of the skin.
[ advantages of the course ]
Facial rejuvenation without expensive procedures:
the skin will become more elastic, small wrinkles and swelling will disappear.
Healthy complexion
thanks to the improved blood circulation, your skin will look radiant.
Tightened face oval
self-massage will help fight sagging skin and a second chin.
This course is suitable for everyone!
It doesn't matter what your age or skin type is, results are guaranteed if you're willing to take the time.
Simplicity and accessibility:
all techniques are easy to perform at home, without special equipment.
Relieving stress and tension
relax your facial muscles after a long day at work.
[ why is this course for you? ]
The course is designed for everyone,
regardless of age or skin type.
Take care of yourself professionally without leaving home!
[ for whom ]
Rash on the skin
acne in the active phase, herpes
Skin damage
wounds, burns, stitches
Before starting the course, consult your doctor if you have:
Recent beauty injections
injecting fillers into the face
massage is possible after 3 months.
massage is possible after 3 weeks.
massage is possible after 2 weeks
❗ Massage in these cases can negatively affect the effectiveness of procedures or cause unwanted reactions.
[ contraindications ]
We are always open to cooperation and ready to answer your questions.
Feel free to contact our team to learn more about our massage school and the opportunities we offer.